Indoor Exercises To Do With Your Dog During the Winter Months

Indoor Exercises To Do With Your Dog During the Winter Months

Winter can be a challenging time for pet owners, especially when it comes to keeping your furry friend active and healthy. With cold temperatures and snowy weather, outdoor activities may not always be feasible. However, there are plenty of indoor exercises you can do with your dog to keep them engaged and energized during the winter months.

1. Play Fetch

Playing fetch is a classic game that most dogs love, and it’s a great way to get them moving indoors. Use soft toys or balls that won’t break anything in your home, and create a clear space to play. You can also make it more challenging by hiding toys or using different types of objects to fetch.

2. Set Up an Obstacle Course

Setting up an obstacle course in your home is a fun way to get your dog moving and improve their agility. You can use items like chairs, cones, and tunnels to create obstacles, and guide your dog through the course using treats or toys.

3. Do Some Treadmill Training

Treadmill training can be a safe and effective way to exercise your dog indoors, especially if the weather outside is too cold or snowy. Start with a slow pace and gradually increase the speed and duration of the exercise. Make sure to always supervise your dog while using the treadmill and consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns.

4. Teach New Tricks

Teaching your dog new tricks is not only fun, but it also provides mental stimulation and can help to build your bond. You can start with simple commands like “sit” and “stay,” and gradually progress to more complex tricks like “roll over” or “shake hands.”

5. Use Food Puzzle Toys

Food puzzle toys are a great way to keep your dog entertained and mentally stimulated. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be filled with treats or kibble to provide a tasty reward for your dog’s efforts.

6. Try Some Nose Work

Nose work exercises involve using your dog’s sense of smell to locate hidden objects or treats. You can create a scavenger hunt in your home by hiding treats in different locations, or play a game of “find it” by hiding a toy or treat and encouraging your dog to find it using their nose.

7. Do Some Stair Workouts

Stair workouts are a great way to get your dog’s heart rate up and build their endurance. You can encourage your dog to climb up and down the stairs by using treats or toys as motivation, or by running up and down the stairs with them.

8. Dance Party

Put on some music and have a dance party with your furry friend. Dancing is a fun way to get your dog moving, and it’s also a great way to bond with your pet.

9. Do Some Yoga Together

Yoga is not only beneficial for humans, but it can also be great for dogs. There are several yoga poses that you can do with your dog, such as the downward-facing dog and the seated twist. These poses can help to improve your dog’s flexibility and balance, and also provide a relaxing bonding experience.

10. Tug of War

Tug of war is a classic game that most dogs love, and it’s a great way to build their strength and endurance. Make sure to use a durable tug toy, and to always supervise your dog during playtime.


Keeping your dog active and healthy during the winter months can be a challenge, but with a little creativity and effort, you can provide them with plenty of indoor exercise options.


  1. How often should I exercise my dog during the winter months? It’s important to keep your dog active all year round, even during the winter months. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, but make sure to adjust the intensity and duration based on your dog’s age, breed, and health status.
  2. What should I do if my dog is reluctant to exercise indoors? If your dog is reluctant to exercise indoors, try introducing new toys or treats to make the activity more exciting. You can also try playing with them in a different room or changing up the routine to keep them engaged.
  3. Is it safe to use a treadmill to exercise my dog? Treadmill training can be a safe and effective way to exercise your dog, but make sure to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity. Always supervise your dog when using the treadmill and consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
  4. Can indoor exercises replace outdoor activities for dogs? Indoor exercises are a great way to supplement outdoor activities, but they should not completely replace them. Dogs still need to spend time outdoors to get fresh air and socialize with other dogs.
  5. What are some signs that my dog is getting enough exercise? Some signs that your dog is getting enough exercise include a healthy appetite, good behavior, and sound sleep. If your dog seems restless or has excess energy, they may need more exercise.
Jackie Brown

About the Author: Jackie Brown

Writer, editor, and pet expert Jackie Brown has spent more than 25 years following her passion for animals. She is a regular contributor to numerous pet and veterinary industry books, magazines and websites.Jackie has an extensive background in dogs and cats, particularly in purebred dogs and pedigreed cats, and is passionate about all pet topics, including veterinary and health topics, general care, nutrition, grooming, behavior, training, rescue and animal welfare, lifestyle, breeding and showing (cats as well as dogs), dog sports and activities, and the human-animal bond.