Running With Your Dog: Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Workout

Running With Your Dog: Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Workout

How to Go for a Run with Your Dog without Endangering Either of You

It’s only natural for a dog owner to want to include their pet in their regular workout. Running with your dog is a fantastic way to spend quality time together, get in shape, and ensure the health and happiness of your canine companion. There are, however, a few things to think about before taking Fido for a stroll. In this piece, we’ll discuss how to run with your dog in a way that’s healthy for both of you and your pet.

The Advantages of Taking Your Dog for a Jog

Running is an excellent activity for achieving all three of these goals. But did you know that it’s also good for Fido? There are many potential advantages to running with your dog.

  • Running is beneficial for a dog’s physical health because it aids in weight management, muscle development, and cardiovascular fitness.
  • Lessens the likelihood that a dog will exhibit undesirable behaviours such as barking, chewing, or digging when exercised on a regular basis.
  • The bond between you and your dog can be strengthened through regular runs together.
  • Running can provide mental stimulation for dogs, preventing destructive behaviour due to boredom.

Getting Your Dog Ready to Run

Make sure your dog is in good health and in the right frame of mind before beginning a running routine together. Some suggestions for training your dog to run:

1) Go See the Vet

You should take your dog to the vet for a checkup before beginning any exercise programme. Your veterinarian will be able to examine your dog, diagnose any existing conditions, and suggest an appropriate exercise regimen.

2) Proceed Cautiously at First

Dogs, like people, need to work up to longer and longer bouts of exercise. Begin with shorter strolls and build up your speed and distance over a period of weeks.

3) Get the Right Equipment

In order to get the most out of your runs with your dog, it’s important to invest in the right equipment. Here are a few fundamentals to keep in mind:

  • Pick a collar or harness that gives your dog a good, comfortable fit. Never use a retractable leash while jogging; they can be a serious hazard.
  • Running with your dog is best done with a standard 6-foot leash. Don’t use a leash that frees up your hands if you want to maintain command of your dog’s movements.
  • To avoid injury to your feet and joints while running on pavement or other hard surfaces, it is important to wear shoes with adequate traction and support.
  • Bowl and watering can: Keep your dog hydrated by bringing water and a foldable bowl on your run.

4) Repeat the Most Simple Instructions

Make sure that your dog knows how to sit, stay, and come before you take them for a walk. Your ability to keep your dog safe and under control during movement depends on this.

A Guide to Jogging With Your Dog

You and your dog are now ready to hit the pavement after some pre-run preparation. Some things to remember are listed below.

1) Warming up and cooling down are the first steps.

Dogs, like humans, benefit from a pre- and post-exercise warm-up and cool-down. Your run should be bookended by a 5-10 minute walk for warming up and cooling down.

2) Pay attention to your dog’s nonverbal cues.

When out for a run with your dog, be aware of his or her posture and gait. They need to rest if they are falling behind, breathing heavily, or showing other signs of exhaustion.

3) Keep to Yourself.

It’s important to make sure both you and your dog are safe when going for a run together. Some things to remember are listed below.

  • Stay indoors if the temperature outside is extremely low or high.
  • Avoid mishaps and other dangers by staying on well-lit, well-traveled paths.
  • Your dog’s safety depends on your diligence in keeping them on a leash at all times.

4) Keep an eye out for warnings of overheating

Extreme heat makes it more likely that a dog will overheat while exercising. Keep an eye out for symptoms of overheating, such as heavy panting, drooling, and a lack of energy. Take a break and give your dog some water if you think he or she is overheating.

5) Make Sure Your Dog Drinks Enough Water

Always bring water for your dog, and don’t forget to give it to him before, during, and after your run. Bring a water bottle and a foldable bowl so you can stop every 10 to 15 minutes to rehydrate.


You can get in shape and spend quality time with your dog by going for a run together. But you should be careful so that you and your dog can have a good time while exercising. You and your dog can share a fun and rewarding exercise routine if you take the time to train your dog for running, purchase the right equipment, and adhere to these other guidelines.


First, can every dog run?
Although most dogs have the ability to run, not all dogs are built for speed. Some dog breeds, like Greyhounds, may not be suited to long-distance racing due to their short bursts of speed. Make sure to check with your vet to see if running is safe for your dog.

Can I take my new puppy for a jog?
It is not recommended to start running with your puppy until they are at least 6 months old because of their still-developing bones and joints. Even so, one must begin slowly and build up to one’s desired pace and distance.

What age is too old for a dog to run?
Though they may not be able to run as far or as fast as a younger dog, senior dogs can still benefit from moderate exercise. However, check with your dog’s vet to make sure your senior dog is healthy enough to exercise.

I’m worried about hurting my dog while running; what should I do?
Stop running and get veterinary help right away if your dog suffers an injury. If an injury is ignored, it can worsen and cause health problems down the road.

May I jog off-leash with my dog?
It’s not safe for your dog or other people to run alongside you without a leash. The ability to direct your dog’s actions and avoid mishaps is greatly enhanced by using a leash.

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Jackie Brown

About the Author: Jackie Brown

Writer, editor, and pet expert Jackie Brown has spent more than 25 years following her passion for animals. She is a regular contributor to numerous pet and veterinary industry books, magazines and websites.Jackie has an extensive background in dogs and cats, particularly in purebred dogs and pedigreed cats, and is passionate about all pet topics, including veterinary and health topics, general care, nutrition, grooming, behavior, training, rescue and animal welfare, lifestyle, breeding and showing (cats as well as dogs), dog sports and activities, and the human-animal bond.